Hello, my name is Alyssa Galarneau. My pronouns are she/her. I am a Multi-Cloud Sr. Software Developer who works a lot with digital video encoding and the delivery of it to users and am currently employed at a large media conglomerate. I am very passionate about Software Development, Tabletop RPGs, and LGBTQ+ rights, which will be the majority of what I will be writing about. I am somewhat active on social media, so please don’t feel afraid to say hello!
Currently I am quite happy with where I am, however, if there is a position in Seattle (or remote) that uses rust feel free to reach out to me.
The one software problem I’d love to “solve”:
Is creating a global scale video platform, granted YouTube, Netflix, and Apple have already solved it for them. My dream would be to create a totally open source platform that others would be able to use. I will likely do a few posts on this very topic!
Languages I’ve used in some (Professional or FOSS) capacity:
- Rust
My current personal project language. I’ll do an article someday on why I have chosen this over golang for personal projects.
- Golang
My current work main driver language. I’ve been loving it, but can’t wait to see what Go 2 brings.
- Javascript
I used to write this a lot, especially node.js, I still do for quick prototypes.
- Python
I used this more back in the healthcare tech days (Early to mid 2010’s).
- Ruby
This was my favorite language. Was lucky to stay away from RoR. Really where I learned to build scalable RESTful apps with sinatra.
- Scala
When I was really starting my functional programming journey, scala was a good “first” step.
- Clojure
I really enjoy lisps, though I don’t get to use them nearly enough.
- Kotlin
I tried to help push an old legacy Java 7 (originally Java 5) codebase into Kotlin, but I didn’t get the buy in needed. Kotlin is a very useful language and I feel like may even one day suplant Java as most used language on the JVM. If I have to use Java and have the option, I will likely go for Kotlin.
- Java ☕ It’s Java, what is there to say? LibGDX was fun to use (even better with Kotlin).
- ELisp
I actually wrote quite a few little snippets for my old main editor emacs.
- Bash
Despite being fairly young, I’ve had quite a few experiences making bash do things it never was intended to do.
- C#
Mostly used this for video games after Microsoft started to open source the language and compiler. (Moving off of libGDX and into MonoGame)
This was my first professional language, I am really glad I’ve grown up and learned other languages. This was before things like Cake or Composer.
All Language icons (save for Java, which is just the coffee emoji, and scala which came from their website) are pulled from WikiMedia. Which I’d like to thank them for the SVG Icons.
Most of my skills are creating multi-cloud RESTful microservices that are either serverless or containerized in docker / kubernetes.
- PostgreSQL, BigQuery, MySQL
- MongoDB, Redis, Firestore, Elasticsearch, Cassandra, NoSQL
- RabbitMQ (AMQP), GCP PubSub, AWS SQS, AWS SNS, AWS Kinesis
- AWS Lambda, GCP Cloud Functions, App Engine Standard
- AWS Cloudformation, Terraform
- CircleCI, Jenkins, Github Actions
- Docker, Kubernetes, KNative, Serverless, AWS Fargate
- Linux/Unix, OS X, Windows
- Jira, Trello, Confluence, Slack, Monday.com
- Agile/Scrum
- Microsoft Office
Where I’ve been:
Title: Sr. Software Developer
Place: Major Media Conglomerate (Content Platforms team)
Date: 07/2019 - Current
- Coordinated across multiple teams (technical & business) for support and planning of projects / products.
- Helped guide other developers with code reviews, pair programming, and one on one meetings.
- Help develop and come up with ways to better the team as both a unit and in efficancy.
- Write extensions to Kubernetes to facilitate scalability of containers against the depth of a queue.
- Design and implement a VOD/Clip orchestration tool including transcoding assets, closed captioning, and delivery of assets.
- Responsible for designing, implementation, and maintainence of an HLS-TS and HLS-CMAF packaging service.
- Shift to other teams to shore up development where needed.
- Languages Used: Python, Golang, C# and Java
- Platforms / Tools Used: AWS, Kubernetes, AWS Lambda, Terraform
Title: Sr. Software Developer
Place: Major Media Conglomerate (Media Enablement team)
Dates: 11/2016 - 07/2019
- Design and implement global scale serverless multitenant RESTful microservices with a demand of 150 million requests per day on average, with an average response time of 40ms.
- Research and discover new technologies for use by the team.
- Design and implement a logging framework (ElasticSearch + BigQuery) to ingest our logs, on average 180GB/day.
- Gather requirements from multiple customers.
- Design and implement custom tooling, including a parallel SSH client / VM Manager for loadtesting,
- Coordinated and helped guide junior developers with code reviews, pair programming, and one on one meetings
- Coordinated across multiple teams (technical & business) for support and planning of projects / products
- Discover, design, and instrument multi-cloud continuous integration and deployments between AWS & GCP
- Languages Used: Node.js, Python, Lua, and Java
- Platforms / Tools Used: AWS, GCP, Kubernetes, AWS Lambda
Title: Backend Developer - Contract Based, Remote
Place: Web Technologies Company
Dates: 02/2016 - 11/2016
- Design, write, and implement mission critical RESTful JSON microservices and APIs.
- Test-driven approach with Scrum Development practices.
- Languages used: SQL and Ruby.
Title: Full Stack Developer & IT (DevOps)
Place: Hospital / Healthcare Company
Dates: 09/2009 - 11/2016
- Designed, wrote, implemented, and maintained mission critical software, infrastructure, and
- APIs across Windows, Android, iOS, and Linux/Unix systems.
- Designed web applications with compatibility across browser vendors (IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc).
- Stayed up to date with the latest CVEs to proactively safeguard systems from vulnerabilities.
- Create and maintain a multi-site Virtual Private Network (VPN).
- Integrate seamless filesystem level encryption and communications between subsystems.
- Ensure HIPAA compliance of both software and IT infrastructure.
- Communicate and negotiate design specifics for custom engineered software.
- Creation and maintainence of VMs.
- Languages used: SQL, PHP, Python, and Ruby
Note: If you would like a more formal resume, feel free to contact me via any of the social links on the left.
1fn main() {
2 println!("Hello World! 💞 🏳️🌈 🏳️⚧️");